
Tomorrow's Nadja - A 16-Year-Old's Journey

明日のナージャ 16歳の旅立ち [Amazon]

This is a snippet of my English translation for the portion of the novel that's pubicly available in Japanese.

It's a direct sequel to the TV series, so be wary of spoilers :-)

The translation showcased is unofficial and created solely for personal and educational purposes. I do not claim ownership of the original content, and these translations are not affiliated with the creators or distributors of the respective works.

 「フランシス? その人がナージャの好きな人なの?」
 イギリスの名門貴族ハーコート侯爵家に生まれた双子の兄弟、キースとフランシス。 人々が平等に生きられる世の中の実現を目指すという同じ願いを持ちながらも、別々の道を選んだふたり。
 あれから、3年近く。 もうすぐナージャは、13歳。
 その誕生日には、ウィーンのプレミンジャー公爵家の大広間で、盛大なお祝いの舞踏会が開かれる。 その日に向けて、ナージャは今、ひとつの大切な決意を胸の奥に秘めている。


  レースを編んでいた母のコレットが、少女のように目を輝かせて立ち上がる。 「ナージャの手作りのスコーン、久しぶりね。いい匂いがするわ」
  ナージャが注いだミルクティーを飲み、スコーンをひと口味わって、コレットは微笑んだ。 「ウィーンでこんなにおいしいスコーンが食べられるなんて、幸せなことね」
  「お母さんと離れ離れになってしまったことは、それはもうとても悲しくてつらいことだったけど、でもね、イギリスで育ったからこそ、こうしてお母さんにスコーンを焼いてあげられるんだって考えると、どんないやなことにもいい面はあるんだなって、思えるの。 今、お母さんと一緒にいられるから言えることかもしれないけど」
  ナージャは嬉しそうに笑って、胸につけた赤いハート形のブローチに触れた。 それは、ナージャの幼い頃からの癖で、もうすぐ歳という今も変わらないのだ。
  コレットはオーストリアの名門貴族、プレミンジャー公爵家に生まれた。彼女は舞踏会で出会ったレイモンと恋に落ちた。 ピアニストのレイモンは、貴族ではなく平民の出だった。
  コレットの父親のプレミンジャー公爵は、何百年間も続いてきた公爵家の伝統を守り抜くことを第一としている、昔気質かたぎの人物。当然、コレットとレイモンの結婚など、絶対に認めない。 どうしても共に生きていきたいと願ったレイモンとコレットは、駆け落ちをした。
  悲嘆にくれながらも、ひとりでナージャを育てようとしたコレットだが、無理がたたって、ナージャといっしょに高熱に倒れてしまった。 目が覚めると、目の前にプレミンジャー公爵家の執事と乳母がいた。
  しかし、実は赤ん坊は熱病から回復しており、乳母の手でアップルフィールドの院長へと、預けられていたのだった。 知らされたのは「ナージャ」という名前だけ。
   When Nadja was 13...
   She shared with her mother her story about Francis and Keith, and about her dance with Francis at her very first ball.
   “Francis? Is that who you like?” her mother asked.
   “Um, well, there’s another boy—his name is Keith, and he risked his life to save me. I... I just don’t know how I feel towards either of them anymore.”
   Her mother took Nadja’s hand and smiled tenderly at her. “There’s no rush,” she said, embracing her daughter.
   “Now isn’t the time for that. Whether Francis or Keith is your soulmate, or whether your soulmate could be someone else—when the time comes, your feelings will guide you.”
   “When the time comes…”
   Francis and Keith are twin brothers born into the Marquis Harcourt noble family of England. Though they both set out to reshape society to be free from inequality, their paths diverged.
   The younger brother Francis lived as a typical noble. On the contrary, the elder brother Keith shouldered a strong sense of noblesse oblige; it was his labour of love to play the role of the chivalrous thief who steals from the rich to provide for the poor.
   The Black Rose and the White Rose.
   Light and shadow.
   Nadja had a fateful encounter with the twin brothers.
   Joy, sadness, excitement, and grief—when it came to the twins, she had a taste of it all.
   At times her chest fluttered, at others her heart danced.
   She joined hands with each of them and danced. In the end, she shared a kiss with them both.
   They were important to Nadja.
   She loved them both,
   and that's why 13-year-old Nadja couldn’t make a decision.
   Three years have passed since then. Nadja will soon be 16.
   She’s not quite an adult, nor is she a mere child.
   A ball to commemorate her birthday will be held at a grand banquet hosted by the Duke Preminger family in Vienna, and stowed away in her chest is a pensive secret she plans to unveil on that very day.
   Nadja, who had opened the door of destiny to the vast world, is at destiny’s door once more.
   Once upon a time, about a hundred years ago...
   A new tomorrow dawns for Nadja Applefield as she sets off on a new journey!

Chapter 1

   “Thanks for waiting, Mom!”
   With a large tray in hand, Nadja breezed into the sunroom where her mother Colette was knitting laces.
   Colette’s eyes sparkled like a maiden’s as she stood up. “It’s been a while since I’ve had your scones. They smell great.”
   “The jam is marmalade and raspberry, and I garnished the scones with clotted cream. All served with Assam tea!”
   “Thanks. Oh—it’s delicious!”
   After a sip of milk tea Nadja poured and a mouthful of scone, Colette beamed a smile. “Being able to enjoy such wonderful scones here in Vienna is a blessing.”
   “The teachers at Applefield taught us the recipe. Aren’t they delicious?”
   “They are!”
   “Fate kept pulling us apart, and I was so disheartened, but in the end, it was also fate that brought me to England where I grew up and learned how to bake these scones. It got me thinking—no matter how much the tide goes against you, I learned that there’s always a silver lining, and having you by my side might just be proof that!”
   “Oh my.”
   “Not only that. I’m even fortunate enough to belong to three families! I have my siblings at Applefield, the Dandelion Troupe, you and Albert...”
   Colette looked at Nadja with a gentle smile.
   “That’s much like you.”
   Nadja giggled with delight as she held the red, heart-shaped brooch on her chest. It’s a habit she’s kept since her childhood, even as her sixteenth birthday looms.
   Nadja was brought into the care of Applefield Orphanage, a home for children with no family.
   The caretakers there believed her parents had died a long time ago, but the truth was far from it.
   Her father passed away when Nadja was a baby—that much was true, but Colette, who was convinced that her daughter had died, continued living in good health in the Austrian city of Vienna.
   All this had happened for a reason.
   The story dates back to when Colette was still in her youth.
   Colette was born into the Duke Preminger family, a well-established noble house in Austria. At a ball, she fell in love with a pianist by the name of Raymond—a man who was not a noble, but a mere commoner.
   Duke Preminger, Colette’s father, holds great responsibility in preserving the Preminger family tradition that spans hundreds of years. With such an old-fashioned mentality, he would never permit a marriage between her daughter and a commoner of the likes of Raymond. Yearning to spend their lives together at all costs, the couple eloped.
   They were by no means wealthy, but a joyous and peaceful life in Paris suited them just fine.
   Thus Nadja was born,
   and soon after, Raymond lost his life in an unfortunate accident.
   Colette raised Nadja on her own through the heartache, overworking herself until they both fell ill. She collapsed with a high fever, and by the time she came to, a Preminger steward and a wet nurse stood before her.
   After much persistence from her family, they had discerned Colette’s whereabouts with the help of a family detective.
   “Your baby has died,” said the wet nurse.
   Her daughter, who she valued more than her own life, had died. Colette sank into despair upon hearing this, and the Premingers brought her back to the Duke’s mansion in Vienna.
   Truth be told, Colette’s daughter recovered from her fever. The very same wet nurse put Nadja in the care of Applefield Orphanage’s matron, Miss Appleton, who at the time knew only one thing about the child: her name was Nadja.
   Miss Appleton noticed the accessory fastened to her chest: a jewelled brooch whose monetary value was barefaced given its jewel base and delicate craftsmanship.
   This girl they left us must have some extraordinary circumstance, thought Miss Appleton.